Women Writers and Artists

Gila Svirsky: Letter from Jerusalem

Photo: P. Liatowisch

6 June 2004: "Breaking silence about this subject is exceptional, not the acts themselves."


Last week probably set a record for demonstrations in Israel against the occupation -- a result not only of the 37th "anniversary" of the occupation, which we mark in June, but also of the ongoing violence in Gaza: Some 30-40 more Rafah homes were destroyed this week, while many Palestinians were arrested and some killed. Comparatively speaking, the army is now showing restraint compared with the original onslaught, thanks to the outcry from people all over the world. If you ever lose faith that your faxes and phone calls make a difference, remind yourself that hundreds of homes, maybe even thousands, were saved as a result of your efforts in this campaign. Keep them coming...
Read full report on Fellowship of Reconciliation website.

Gila Svirsky
Coalition of Women for Peace:

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