women and peace

Palestine and Israel


The War on Lebanon enters the fifth week: „We want only one thing: Peace“
German freelance journalist Karin Leukefeld left Bonn this month and was able to reach Beirut, where she sent this report, published in German in “Neues Deutschland” on 10 August 2006 (original at link): http://www.nd-online.de/artikel.asp?AID=95201&IDC=2
We thank her for her courage and continuing coverage of the region.

Press Release from the Member of the European Parliament, one of 1000 Peace Women 2005, 14 March 2006

Evolution of the Palestinian Feminist Movement Transcript of Remarks by Ghada Hashem Talhami
10 March 2006. "At a recent Palestine Center briefing, Dr. Ghada Hashem Talhami addressed the political status of women in Palestine and the dynamic between their identity as women and the broader nationalist struggle against occupation. Speaking in honor of International Women’s Day (March 8), Talhami argued that Palestinian feminism can only be understood within the context of the Palestinian national struggle. Talhami is the author of several books, including Palestinian Refugees: Pawns to Political Actors (Nova Science Publishers, 2003); Syria and the Palestinians: The Clash of Nationalisms (University Press of Florida, 2001); and The Mobilization of Muslim Women in Egypt (University Press of Florida, 1996)."

Israeli journalist Amira Hass reports on the difficult reality of border crossings in Jerusalem
Forbidden to Go Home Together, Separate and Unequal
February 23, 2006, Counterpunch.org

R. had a work meeting in Ramallah. She planned to return home, to East Jerusalem, with M., her partner, who works in Ramallah. They reached the Hizma checkpoint, east of the Pisgat Ze'ev settlement, where there is a permanent Israel Defense Forces post that checks all travelers heading to Jerusalem. You are forbidden to take this route, said the soldiers. Only your husband is allowed. Take the Qalandiyah checkpoint route..."

Israeli peace activist and writer Gila Svirsky reports from Jerusalem

Hamas and Us, Gila Svirsky's analysis of the Palestinian election.
1 February 2006
See also: Enter Hamas: The Challenges of Political Integration Middle East Report N°49 18 January 2006
"The International Crisis Group is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation, with over 110 staff members on five continents, working through field-based analysis and high-level advocacy to prevent and resolve deadly conflict."


Women in Black Participants Join Palestinian Women in Solidarity Against the Israeli Occupation.
Report with photos from Feminist International Radio Endeavour/FIRE, Ramallah, August 15, 2005

Amnesty International report: Israel/Occupied Territories: Women carry the burden of conflict, occupation and patriarchy
" Palestinian women in the Occupied Territories bear the brunt of the conflict. They are victims of multiple violations resulting from Israel's policies and restrictions, and of a system of norms, traditions and laws which treat women as unequal members of Palestinian society..." Read full report

"The Wall": A huge wall is going up between Palestinians and Israelis, and between Palestinians and their land and communities. See our reports on what it is and why, plus voices and actions of women on both sides.

WLOE Reports from Israel and Palestine



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