women and peace

Palestine and Israel


Groups active for peace in Israel/Palestine (in alphabetical order):

  • Bat Shalom - the Israeli side of The Jerusalem Link: A Women's Joint Venture for Peace, seeking peace through partnership with Palestinian women.
  • Gush Shalom - determined fighters to end the occupation, recent recipients of the "Alternative Nobel Peace Prize".
  • High School seniors - a group of Israeli high school seniors who signed a letter asserting their refusal to serve in the army to support the occupation.
  • International Women's Peace Service - documents human rights abuses, works with the media, and non-violently intervenes in conflict situations
  • Israel Committee Against Home Demolitions - seeking to expose and end the crime of demolishing homes of Palestinians.
  • Machsom Watch - women monitoring military checkpoints to end the abuse of Palestinians at these locations.
  • Mothers and Women for Peace - formerly the 4 Mothers Movement, who were instrumental in getting Israel out of Lebanese occupation.
  • New Profile - seeking to end militarism in Israeli society and support conscientious objection to army service.
  • Peace Now - mobilizing to end the occupation, and focused on the illegality of the Israeli settlements in the territories.
  • Rabbis for Human Rights - bringing a religious Jewish perspective to the struggle to end the injustice of occupation.
  • Refuser Solidarity Network - webportal to unite international supporters of Israelis who refuse to serve in the military and support the Occupation in the Palestinian Territories
  • Ta'ayush - a partnership of Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel providing aid and resistance to the occupation throughout the territories.
  • Women in Black - holding vigils throughout the world to stop violence and injustice, founded in Jerusalem in 1988 to end the occupation.
  • Yesh Gvul - encouraging soldiers to refuse service in the occupied territories.

    Rachel Corrie website: in memoriam

Website Links from Women in Black (Vienna)
February 2004

contact: Womeninblack-vienna@gmx.at

www.coalitionofwomen4peace.org - Coalition of Women for Peace (co-ordinating agency of ten feminist peace organizations)
www.womeninblack.org - Women in Black International
www.newprofile.org - Movement for the Civil-ization of Israeli Society
www.batshalom.org - Bat Shalom (Israeli women’s peace group)
www.gush-shalom.org - Gush Shalom (Israeli Peace Block)
www.btselem.org - B’tselem (Israeli human rights organization)
www.machsomwatch.org - Women for Human Rights – Checkpoint Watch
www.hamoked.org - Center for the Defense of the Individual
www.rhr.israel.net - Rabbis for Human Rights
www.peacenow.org - Peace Now Israel
www.yesh-gvul.org - “There is a limit“ (Appeal to soldiers, not to serve in the occupied territories)
www.seruv.org.il - “Courage to Refuse” – Signature campaign in support of soldiers refusing to serve in the occupied territories
www.refuz.org.il - Petition in support of sentenced Conscientious Objectors
www.haaretz.co.il/eng - Ha’aretz (Israeli newspaper)
www.alternativenews.org - Alternative Information Centre („News from Within“) (Progressive magazine)
www.indymedia.org.il - Independent Media Centre
www.phr.org.il - Physicians for Human Rights
www.rebuildinghomes.org - Global campaign to rebuild homes in Palestine
www.icahd.org - Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions
www.taayush.org - Arab-Jewish Partnership
www.ariga.com - Israeli-Palestinian Human Rights and Peace Groups
www.palestinemonitor.org - The Voice of Civil Society
www.stopthewall.org - Pengon’s website on the Wall
www.miftah.org - The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy
www.tmfm.net - Nablus website – regularly updated
www.rafah.vze.com - Rafah website
www.arij.org - Applied Research Institute, Jerusalem
www.infopal.org - Independent Palestinian Information Network
www.imemc.org  - International Middle East News website
www.ramallahonline.com - (articles by Israeli and Palestinian journalists and intellectuals in English
www.pchrgaza.org – Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, Gaza
www.pmwatch.org - Palestine Media Watch
www.nad-plo.org - Palestinian Peace Negotiations Site (Landkarten von Siedlungen u.a.)
www.passia.org - Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs, Jerusalem
www.phrmg.org - Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group
www.birzeit.edu- Birzeit University
www.alhaq.org - Palestinian NGO in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
www.electronicintifada.net - Updated information on the Intifada and action alert possibilities
www.badil.org - Badil Resource Centre (with emphasis on Refugees, Right of Return)
www.pij.org - Palestine/Israel Journal
www.cpt.org - Christian Peacemaker Team Hebron
www.rapprochement.org - The Palestinian Center for Rapprochement between People, Beit Sahour
www.palsolidarity.org  - International Solidarity Movement
www.adalah.org - Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel
www.addameer.org - Prisoner Rights and Human Rights Association
www.fmep.org - Foundation for Middle East Peace
www.mepc.org - Middle East Policy Council
www.amnesty.org  - Amnesty International
www.hrw.org - Human Rights Watch
www.freemedia.at - International Press Institute, Vienna
www.ejjp.org - European Jews for a Just Peace
www.endtheoccupation.org - U.S. initiative to End the Israeli Occupation
www.junity.org - Jewish Unity for a Just Peace
www.thestruggle.org - Middle East Crisis Committee, USA
www.jvao.org - Jewish Voices Against the Occupation
www.jppi.org - Jews for Peace in Palestine and Israel
www.btvshalom.org - Brit Tsedek V’Shalom: Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace
www.ifamericansknew.org - U.S. website giving information on the occupation, Intifada, etc.

Anis Online is a journalistic art website in German, English, and Arabic with about 800 pages. It contains music, poetry and prose, essays, children's stories, satires, interviews, media reviews, Palestiniana, Orient Online, drawings, an Elvis page, and a lot more.
English: http://www.anis-online.de/index_engl.htm
Arabic: www.anis-online.de/index_arab.htm
Web(2): www.virtual-palestine.org
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