women and peace

Iraq: Iraqi Mother's Open letter to Cindy Sheehan

"We have no enmity against Americans, and never had. Our enemies are the same: Those who are trying to create a colonial empire for the oil and arms companies. It is an endless colonial war that will not end until the US forces are pulled out of Iraq as they were pulled out of Vietnam decades ago….

No pretext should be accepted or delaying the evacuation of the
US armed forces from Iraq.
We are not against the American people, but against the American Empire...

November 17, 2005

Dear Madam,

Watching your campaign on TV, I felt compelled to get in touch with you, to extend my condolences, compassion and solidarity.

Being a mother myself I have been following your campaign to pull out the US armed forces from Iraq. Having lost my son, as yourself, on the same battle-field, IRAQ, but on opposite sides, I felt both compassion and relief to have an ally on the other side, we share the same pain, frustration and sorrow to lose our beloved ones in endless wars, launched by politicians who dream of creating new empires, without having to suffer the pain of sacrifices that others pay.

I felt the importance of joining forces, exchanging thoughts, and planning together that no more young men are sent to fight to conquer foreign lands to create empires that last no more than a few decades, to make the rich richer and the poor die.

For more than two years the US armies are occupying Iraq. The Pentagon announced more than 2000 dead the tens of thousands US young men injured in an endless war against the people of Iraq. The Pentagon never  mentions that more than a hundred thousand Iraqis killed by the US  occupying forces, the destruction of Iraq's infrastructure, homes,  mosques, churches, schools.. etc. In short the destruction of a whole nation. Among the first you lost your son, among the second, I lost mine.

This war was launched on false pretexts, based on lies, with no legitimacy and sold to the American people, to send your young beloved to be killed in Iraq, where the people refuse the new colonial presence and those who came with the US tanks.

The Bush administration based its colonial war claiming Iraq's possession of arms of mass destruction. Two years of occupation proved Iraq was clean of any such arms, but the occupation continues!

The Bush administration claimed Iraq's connection to Al-Qaida and the 911 attacks. Two years' investigations proved no connection, what so ever, still the occupation forces are on Iraqi soil!

The Bush administration claimed that Iraqis will welcome the US forces with roses and sweets. Those armed forces were received as any other occupying forces, with bullets  and explosives. There is no safe haven for any American in Iraq. Iraq, after two years of occupation is still the most dangerous ground for Americans. If the US embassy personnel are relatively safe in the Green Zone, this zone is a small district in the capital, and receives more than 5 mortar attacks every single day.  As for the US armies, they receive the roses of death, every minute of their term in Iraq. There is nowhere to hide for them.

We have no enmity against Americans, and never had. Our enemies are the same: Those who are trying to create a colonial empire for the oil and arms companies. It is an endless colonial war that will not end until the US forces are pulled out of Iraq as they were pulled out of Vietnam decades ago.

The tragic 911 events have caused death and destruction in American lives. The same tragedy is a daily event in every Iraqi city, town, and village. Falluja, Ramady, NajafAlqaem, Baquba, Haditha, Rawa, Basrah, Latifyia, and Baghdad might be just locations shown on TV screens, but please remember that these are cities and towns just like any small city, town or county where ordinary people live. The US armies have turned them to bombing targets, where new arms are being tested, the people are Guinea pigs.

Remember that every creature would defend itself if attacked. Iraqis are defending their home and country against the invading forces, there is no other way to act.

Iraq is boiling with wrath and anger at the US presence. Not as Americans, as the Bush administration tries to convince you, but against the colonial rule they try to create in Iraq.

The Bush administration has been lying to you in every point. It is lying to you even about the figures of its losses in Iraq.

American soldiers should be pulled out of Iraq NOW. Every single day more American lives are lost in Iraq, not to mention Iraqi lives.

There is no way in Iraq but OUT.

No pretext should be accepted or delaying the evacuation of the US armed forces from Iraq.

We are not against the American people, but against the American Empire.

Peoples of the World demonstrated against this illegitimate war.

So they should ACT NOW against the US occupation of Iraq.

ACT NOW to stop the US war crimes in Iraq.

ACT NOW to pull the US forces from Iraq  NOW.

The heart-broken Mother of the victim

Zaidom Ma’moon Fadhil Hasson  AL-Samarr’ee

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