
Bonnie Acker and Women and Life on Earth

Women and Life on Earth logo, 1980

When we needed a logo for the new network, it was a natural reaction to ask our friend and political artist extraordinaire, Bonnie Acker, for something appropriate. Bonnie came up with both the WLOE logo, women in the phases of the moon, and later the related Women's Pentagon Action symbol.
Women's Pentagon Action logo, Bonnie Acker 1980

Women's Pentagon Action, 1980

In November 2005, WLOE internet project coordinator Anna Gyorgy visited Bonnie. The two had not met for twenty years. Here is a photo of the artist-food educator Anna took shortly after arrival: in the Burlington, Vermont food cooperative where Bonnie has long been an active member and gardener, planting and tending to the beautiful flower beds by the store.

For a little more on Bonnie and her work, see:

Women and Life on Earth
internet project
adapted by Eva Pollefort

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