taking action

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USA, Election 2004:

were all the votes counted? This Time We're Watching... see also our post-election e-news


From indyvoter: "PUBLIC HEARINGS IN OHIO! They might have conceded - but we haven't conceded our right to have our votes count. The Ohio Citizens Alliance for Secure Elections (CASE-OH), This Time We're Watching, the League of Young Voters, People for the American Way Foundation - a leading member of the Election Protection Coalition, Common Cause Ohio, Ohio Election Reform Now, Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism, WVKO Radio, and Ohio Voterization Project are calling for public hearings to investigate voting irregularities and vote suppression in Ohio surrounding the 2004 General Election.

Here are a few articles on the types of voter suppression/disenfranchisement that we are hoping to call attention to:

Kerry Won. Greg Palast, Tompaine.com http://www.tompaine.com/articles/kerry_won_.php

Did Kerry Concede Too Soon? Bob Fitrakis, The Free Press http://www.freepress.org/columns/display/3/2004/981

Was the Ohio Election Honest and Fair? Institute for Public Accuracy http://www.accuracy.org/press_releases/PR110304.htm

Worse Than 2000: Tuesday's Electoral Disaster, William Rivers Pitt, Truthout http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/110804A.shtml

None Dare Call it Voter Suppression and Fraud, Bob Fitrakis, Free Press http://www.freepress.org/columns/display/3/2004/983 "

Women comment on the election:

It Takes a Value Village
Election serves as whack upside the head for environmental community
By Amanda Griscom Little
11 Nov 2004

"The Bush victory dealt a devastating wallop to the environmental community, but some members say it also delivered a much-needed reality check to a movement struggling to find its soul…

From the December 2004 Issue of The Progressive Magazine:

Small Favors Molly Ivins
A Rotting, Dead Chicken

..." The Bush Administration is going to be wired around the neck of the American people for four more years, long enough for the stench to sicken everybody. It should cure the country of electing Republicans..."

The Word from Washington Ruth Conniff
Reasons for Hope

..."In the Presidential election, the Democrats were cast, once again, as unprincipled and purely political, Blodgett points out.

"We weren't seen as believing in anything," he says. "It comes down to whether we can connect with voters around a set of beliefs. Bush had no problem conveying his strong beliefs. Instead of alienating people, they connected with people."

Medea Benjamin

"Benjamin ranks as an accomplished organizer. She co-founded the anti-war group Code Pink. And before that, she co-founded Global Exchange, an organization committed to social and environmental justice. At Global Exchange, she monitors labor rights in sweatshops and launches high-profile campaigns against business giants like Nike and The Gap. In 1999, Benjamin's work helped to shed light on the horrendous working conditions endured by garment workers in the U.S. territory of Saipan, which led to a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against more than a dozen U.S. retailers...

Question: How could Kerry have lost by three million votes when the left was so united behind him?

Medea Benjamin: Kerry lost because he never provided a clear message or an inspiring vision about the direction this country should take. And we have to admit that Bush's fearmongering and gay-bashing worked. Bush kept on message, while Kerry didn't. On Iraq, Kerry had a terribly mixed message. It was very confusing to people to understand where he stood on that issue.

For complete interview:

The Faith Factor by Barbara Ehrenreich
Charlottesville, Virginia (The Nation magazine)

"Of all the loathsome spectacles we've endured since November 2 -- the vampire-like gloating of CNN commentator Robert Novak, Bush embracing his "mandate" -- none are more repulsive than that of Democrats conceding the "moral values" edge to the party that brought us Abu Ghraib. The cries for Democrats to overcome their "out-of-touch-ness" and embrace the predominant faith all dodge the full horror of the situation: A criminal has been enabled to continue his bloody work with the help, in no small part, of self-identified Christians..."

The single women's vote: up-dated information from Women's Voices. Women Vote

In Election 2000, 22 million single women did not vote, and 11 million young women (18 - 34) never registered.

"In 2004, unmarried women were overwhelmingly looking for change, and they turned out this election cycle to bring it about. In a year characterized by strong voter turnout, exit polls show unmarried women constituted 23 percent of the 2004 electorate, an increase from the 19 percent reported by the exit polls in the 2000 election. See the detailed results and complete summary memo below: all documents are pdfs"
